Session 2303
Policies to Regulate and Support Childbearing

Chair: Leslie Root, University of Colorado at Boulder

1. "Deconstructing the population control movement in the Third World in the 1950s and 1960s: A three-sphere approach"Serdar Furtuna, Ecole des Hautes Etudes En Sciences Sociales (EHESS).

2. On the Transformative Demographic Impact of China’s Great Malthusian Campaign (1970-2021): The Minority Role of One-Child LimitsDaniel M. Goodkind, Independent Researcher.

3. Can Family Policies Influence the Transition to Parenthood in Turbulent Times?Zsolt Speder, Hungarian Demographic Research Institute, Budapest; Lívia Murinkó, Hungarian Demographic Research Institute; Livia Olah, Stockholm University.

4. Exploring the Role of Judicial-Led Reforms in Family Planning and Population Policies in PakistanMuhammad Wazir, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA); Yilma Alazar, United National Population Fund.

5. Do Regional Pronatalist Policies Work? Evidence from the Russian FederationMichael Zaslavsky, University of Wisconsin at Madison.

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