Session 606
Intergenerational Relations and Wellbeing among Older Adults

Chair: Elizabeth Wilkens, Institut national d'études démographiques (INED - France)

1. Children’s migration, location, and provision of support to older parents in the PhilippinesJeofrey B. Abalos, University Of Eastern Pangasinan.

2. Leisure Travel in Old Age: The Role of Socioeconomic-Demographic Factors and Disability in IndonesiaEvi N. Arifin, Universiti Brunei Darussalam; Aris Ananta, Universitas Indonesia.

3. Being Alone Without Feeling Lonely? The Unmet Desire for Company Among Older ItaliansAnnalisa Donno, University of Padova; Tiziana Nazio, University of Turin; Maria Letizia Tanturri, University of Padova.

4. Household Headship, Filial Expectations and Mortality in Older Widows in India: Evidence from the Longitudinal Survey Data AnalysesBabul Hossain, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS).

5. The Effect of Intergenerational Dependence on Family Status of Older Rural Migrants in ChinaYan Jiang, School of Sociology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology; Qiuju Guo, School of Sociology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

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