Session 904
Demography of Ageing and its Implications

Chair: Cassio M. Turra, Demography Department, Cedeplar, UFMG

1. Is a Zero-Population Growth a Realistic Scenario for Europe? An Analysis Based on the Recent UN 2024 World Population ProspectsChristos Bagavos, Panteion University; Alexandra Tragaki, Harokopion University of Athens.

2. Sibling Structure, Birth Order, and Upward Intergenerational Support in East AsiaKai Feng, University of Pennsylvania; Hyun Jin Kim, University of Pennsylvania.

3. A New Approach to Measuring the Impact of Age Structure on Population Change in Visegrad CountriesCsaba G. Tóth, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies.

4. Decomposing the Modal Age at Death, Its Number of Deaths, and Standard Deviation.Paola Vazquez-Castillo, University Of Southern Denmark; Vladimir Canudas-Romo, Australian National University.

5. Preparation for Old Age Among Childless Older Adults: A Qualitative Study of Bereaved Only-Child Parents in ChinaNing Wang, East China University of Science And Technology; Qian Hu, Guangzhou University.

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