Session 116
Fertility Decline and Its Consequences in Latin America

Chair: Ignacio Pardo, Universidad De La República

1. Shrinkage and Persistent Complexity of Latin American and Caribbean Households amidst Fertility Decline, 1960-2020Federica Becca, Centre for demographic research (CED), Barcelona; Albert Esteve, Center for Demographic Studies (Barcelona); Andrés Castro Torres, Max Planck Institute for demographic Research.

2. Is Childlessness Increasing in the Southern Cone of Latin America? Evidence from the New round of CensusesWanda Cabella, Universidad De La República; Georgina Binstock, Centro de Estudios de Poblacion.

3. Educational Differences and Fertility Transition in Peru: A Cohort Analysis of Women Born between 1936 and 1984Robin Cavagnoud, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP); Teresa Castro Martin, CSIC; Teresa Martin Garcia, Spanish Council for Scientific Research.

4. Impact of Violence on Fertility in MexicoYanitza Florez, Student.

5. The Fertility Decline in Argentina 2010-2022. Analysis of Fertility Differentials at the Provincial LevelSofia Muhafra, Universidad Nacional de Luján; Maria Florencia Bathory, Institut national d'études démographiques (INED)/EDSD; Carlos O. Grushka, Superintendencia de AFJP.

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