Session 1208
Impact of Immigration on Fertility

1. Investigating Determinants of Fertility amongst Immigrants and Their Descendants in the UKJiseon Baek, University of St. Andrews; Hill Kulu, University of St Andrews; Sarah Christison, University of St Andrews; Francesca F Fiori, University of Strathclyde.

2. Fertility in Flux: Unraveling Childlessness and Family Formation Among Return Migrants Across Four CountriesHector Boado, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (csic); Inmaculada Serrano, CSIC.

3. The Two-Child Ideal Family Size: How Mexico-Us Migration Influences Fertility at HomeAna Canedo, Département de Démographie, Université de Montréal.

4. Fertility Intentions among Russian Migrants - the Role of Shock ConditionsVladimir Kozlov, Nazarbayev University; Ekaterina Sokolova, Eurasian Technological University; Olga Veselovskaya, Eurasian Technological University; Daria Saitova, Eurasian Technological University.

5. Demographic Transformation Across Regions: The Role of Migration on Population Growth in Spain.Guillermo Orfao, University of Salamanca; Alberto Del Rey Poveda, University of Salamanca; Jesús García-Gómez, Centre for Demographic Studies; Mengyao Wu, University of Salamanca; Emilio A. Parrado, University of Pennsylvania.

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