Session 1408
Flash Session: Internal Migration in Developing Countries II

Chair: Martin Bell, University of Queensland

1. Mind the Gap: The Structural Dilemma of Urban Migrant’s Integration in ChinaZihan Chen, University of Birmingham.

2. Marriage Migration and Women’s Landholding and Household Ownership in IndiaShubhra Kriti, International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai.

3. Are Migration Status and Low Life Satisfaction Associated with Poor Sleep Quality among Older Adults in India? Evidence from Longitudinal Ageing Study in India (LASI), 2017–2018Ajay Murmu, Doctoral Student; Vikesh Kumar, International Institute for Population Sciences, India.

4. The Effect of Internal Migration on Changes in Blood Pressure among Women in South AfricaChantel Pheiffer, University of Massachusetts at Boston; Stephen McGarvey, Brown University; Carren Ginsburg, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg; Michael J. White, Brown University.

5. Transient Urbanism: Full Family Seasonal Migration to Mumbai from Rural India, Patterns and ImplicationsShalini Sen, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS).

6. Internal Migration among Religious and Social Groups in India: Evidence from Census and National Sample SurveyDharmendra Singh, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS).

7. A Neglected Phenomenon in Migration Research – Return Migration: Explorations based on Household Surveys in ChinaQi Zhang, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Richard E. Bilsborrow, University of North Carolina; Jack Preisser, Carleton College.

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