Session 2221
Flash Session - New Mortality Estimates across the World

Chair: Sergey Timonin, Australian National University

1. Assessing Regional Mortality Disparities across Intra- and International Borders in Europe: An Application of the Earth Mover’s DistanceLaura A Cilek, Bundesinstitut für Bevoelkerungsforschung; Markus Sauerberg, Federal Institute for Population Research; Pavel Grigoriev, Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB), Germany; Sebastian Kluesener, Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB), Germany.

2. A Systems Approach to Improving Registration and Certification of Medico-Legal Deaths in GhanaFidelia A. A. Dake, Regional Institute For Population Studies, University Of Ghana; Emmanuel Opoku-Addo, Ghana Statistical Service; Omar Seidu, Ghana Statistical Service; Carlie Congdon, Vital Strategies.

3. Comparative Analysis of Mortality Sources in Latin AmericaGonzalo De Armas, Programa de Poblacion, Universidad de la Republica.

4. Assessing the Potential of Mobile Phone Verbal Autopsies in Crisis Settings: A Case Study on Venezuela, 2024jenny garcia, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED); Cruz Cordero, Universidad Catolica Andres Bello; Gerardo Correa, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello; Maria Di Brienza, Universidad Catolica Andres Bello; Stephane Helleringer, New York University Abu Dhabi.

5. The Structure of Chinese Families Who Lost Their Only Child: Simulation Analysis Based on the Life-TablesQing Han, Institute for Population and Development Studies, School of Public Policy and Administration, Xi’an Jiaotong University Insti...; Lu Han, Institute for Population and Development Studies School of Public Policy and Administration Xi’an Jiaotong University; Quanbao Jiang, Institute for Population and development Studies, Xi'an Jiaotong University.

6. Impact of Deaths from Dissolved Households on Mortality Measurement: Evidence from the Ouagadougou HDSSSoumaïla Ouedraogo, New York University Abu Dhabi; Yacouba Y. C. Compaore, Institut Supérieur Des Sciences De La Population; Stephane Helleringer, New York University Abu Dhabi.

7. Assessing Age-Specific Contributions to Life Expectancy Gaps: The Proportional Difference Comparison MethodAntonino Polizzi, University of Oxford; Mathew Kiang, Stanford University; Monica Alexander, University of Toronto.

8. Estimates of Under-Five Mortality from a Mobile Phone Survey during the COVID-19 Outbreak: an Observational Study Comparing Three Instruments in MalawiJulio E. Romero-Prieto, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM); Boniface Dulani, Institute of Public Opinion and Research; Bruno Masquelier, Louvain University (UCL); Malebogo Tlhajoane, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; Stéphane Helleringer, Columbia University; Jethro Banda, Malawi Epidemiology Intervention Research Unit; Georges Reniers, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM).

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