Poster Session 2617
Economic Demography

1. A Gendered Analysis of the Implications of Financial Inclusion for Welfare in CameroonFiennasah Akem, University of Dschang.

2. Egypt’s Demographic Dividend, and Impact on Women’s Empowerment PoliciesAliaa Amer, Cairo demographic Centre.

3. Fonction Sante De l’Indice Synthetique Du Suivi Du Dividende Demographique Ddmi Du NigerABDOUL KARIM BACHIROU SEYDOU, Institut National de la Statistique du Niger (INS-NIGER); Maman Nafiou MALAM MAMAN, Université Abdou Moumouni; MOISE ARAOYE KARIM, Ministère de l'Economie des finances du Niger.

4. Liberian Women Count: Evidence from a Macrosimulation of the Gender DividendWendy Cunningham, World Bank; Mitja del Bono, World Bank; Sarika Gupta, World Bank; Mahesh Karra, Boston University; Joshua Wilde, Oxford University.

5. Age Heaping in African Census Data: Prevalence and Implications for Regression Discontinuity Research DesignsSavita Diggs, Yale University; Taryn Dinkelman, University of Notre Dame.

6. To What Extent Limiting Long Standing Health Conditions Explain Poverty Entry Rates in Europe? Longitudinal Comparative Population Level AnalysisAapo Hiilamo, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR).

7. Evaluating Cost-Effectiveness of Public and Private Healthcare for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in IndiaAjit Jaiswal, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS); Manoj Alagarajan, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS).

8. Demographic Dividend and Role of Boomers in India's Aggregate SavingsIshika Jaiswal, Indian Institute of Management (IIM).

9. Changes in Subjective Mortality Due to COVID-19 and Its Vaccination: The Influence on Saving Behavior in JapanTomoko Kinugasa, Kobe University; Kohei Masumoto, Kobe University; Kazufumi Yugami, Kobe University; Shigeyuki Hamori, Yamato University; Koji Yasuda, Aomori Public University.

10. Growing Youth Population Change and Sustainable Economic Progress across the West African CountriesZohore Olivier KOUDOU, University Felix Houphouet Boigny of Abidjan.

11. Employers’ Discrimination against Fathers and Mothers Taking Parental Leave: Evidence from a Discrete Choice ExperimentAnna Matysiak, University of Warsaw; Ewa Cukrowska-Torzewska, University of Warsaw; Agnieszka Kasperska, University of Warsaw; Gayle Kaufman, Davidson College.

12. Religion and Demography: Papal Influences on FertilityVivek Moorthy, College of the Holy Cross; Lakshmi Iyer, University of Notre Dame; Paloma Moyano, Emory University.

13. Leveraging Bank Deposits to Secure the Future of the Girl Child in India: An Assessment of Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (Ssy) in Rural Jammu and Kashmir, IndiaAswini Nanda, Central University of Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir.

14. Budgeting for the Demographic Dividend in Senegal : the Case of the ‘Institution’ Budget FunctionPierre A. M. Ndiaye, Economist; Boubacar Diallo, DR; Edmée Marthe Ndoye, MRS.

15. Ageing Preparedness in an Age of Robotization: Which Countries Are Better Prepared to Grow Old?Bernardo L. Queiroz, Universidade Federal De Minas Gerais; Vegard Skirbekk, FHI.

16. Accounting for Unpaid Care Work in India-2019Aparna Roy, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS); T.V. Sekher, IIPS.

17. Assessing the Financial Burden: A Comprehensive Study of Cancer-related premature mortality and its effects on India’s Economic ProductivityKOUSHIK ROY PRAMANIK, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS); Dr. Murali Dhar, International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai.

18. Livelihood Issues and Strategies for Diversification of the Fisherfolk and Lakeshore Farmers in Loktak Wetland, IndiaOngtham Singh, Manipur University; Avijit Mistri, Manipur University.

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