A Gendered Analysis of the Implications of Financial Inclusion for Welfare in Cameroon •
Fiennasah Akem, University of Dschang.
Egypt’s Demographic Dividend, and Impact on Women’s Empowerment Policies •
Aliaa Amer, Cairo demographic Centre.
Fonction Sante De l’Indice Synthetique Du Suivi Du Dividende Demographique Ddmi Du Niger •
ABDOUL KARIM BACHIROU SEYDOU, Institut National de la Statistique du Niger (INS-NIGER);
Maman Nafiou MALAM MAMAN, Université Abdou Moumouni;
MOISE ARAOYE KARIM, Ministère de l'Economie des finances du Niger.
Liberian Women Count: Evidence from a Macrosimulation of the Gender Dividend •
Wendy Cunningham, World Bank;
Mitja del Bono, World Bank;
Sarika Gupta, World Bank;
Mahesh Karra, Boston University;
Joshua Wilde, Oxford University.
Age Heaping in African Census Data: Prevalence and Implications for Regression Discontinuity Research Designs •
Savita Diggs, Yale University;
Taryn Dinkelman, University of Notre Dame.
To What Extent Limiting Long Standing Health Conditions Explain Poverty Entry Rates in Europe? Longitudinal Comparative Population Level Analysis •
Aapo Hiilamo, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR).
Evaluating Cost-Effectiveness of Public and Private Healthcare for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in India •
Ajit Jaiswal, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS);
Manoj Alagarajan, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS).
Demographic Dividend and Role of Boomers in India's Aggregate Savings •
Ishika Jaiswal, Indian Institute of Management (IIM).
Changes in Subjective Mortality Due to COVID-19 and Its Vaccination: The Influence on Saving Behavior in Japan •
Tomoko Kinugasa, Kobe University;
Kohei Masumoto, Kobe University;
Kazufumi Yugami, Kobe University;
Shigeyuki Hamori, Yamato University;
Koji Yasuda, Aomori Public University.
Growing Youth Population Change and Sustainable Economic Progress across the West African Countries •
Zohore Olivier KOUDOU, University Felix Houphouet Boigny of Abidjan.
Employers’ Discrimination against Fathers and Mothers Taking Parental Leave: Evidence from a Discrete Choice Experiment •
Anna Matysiak, University of Warsaw;
Ewa Cukrowska-Torzewska, University of Warsaw;
Agnieszka Kasperska, University of Warsaw;
Gayle Kaufman, Davidson College.
Religion and Demography: Papal Influences on Fertility •
Vivek Moorthy, College of the Holy Cross;
Lakshmi Iyer, University of Notre Dame;
Paloma Moyano, Emory University.
Leveraging Bank Deposits to Secure the Future of the Girl Child in India: An Assessment of Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (Ssy) in Rural Jammu and Kashmir, India •
Aswini Nanda, Central University of Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir.
Budgeting for the Demographic Dividend in Senegal : the Case of the ‘Institution’ Budget Function •
Pierre A. M. Ndiaye, Economist;
Boubacar Diallo, DR;
Edmée Marthe Ndoye, MRS.
Ageing Preparedness in an Age of Robotization: Which Countries Are Better Prepared to Grow Old? •
Bernardo L. Queiroz, Universidade Federal De Minas Gerais;
Vegard Skirbekk, FHI.
Accounting for Unpaid Care Work in India-2019 •
Aparna Roy, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS);
T.V. Sekher, IIPS.
Assessing the Financial Burden: A Comprehensive Study of Cancer-related premature mortality and its effects on India’s Economic Productivity •
KOUSHIK ROY PRAMANIK, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS);
Dr. Murali Dhar, International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai.
Livelihood Issues and Strategies for Diversification of the Fisherfolk and Lakeshore Farmers in
Loktak Wetland, India •
Ongtham Singh, Manipur University;
Avijit Mistri, Manipur University.