Session 2301
Population Policies

Chair: Stuart Gietel-Basten, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

1. Demography’s End-of-History Moment: Are Population Projections Losing Its Foresight Capacity for Policymaking in Post-Transition Countries?Rossella Icardi, Joint Research Centre, European Commission; Philipp Ueffing, European Commission - Joint Research Centre; Anne Goujon, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA); Fabrizio Natale, European Commission - Joint Research Centre; Nicholas Gailey, University of Vienna.

2. Population in Focus: Guide for the Implementation of the Population Situation Analysis in Latin America and the Caribbean: Integrating Population Dynamics into Sustainable Development PoliciesSabrina Juran, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA); Paulo Lara, UNFPA; Enrique Pelaez, United Nations Population Fund.

3. Immigrant’s Fertility and Legal Status: the Role of the 2002 Italian Regularization reformDonatella Lanari, University of Perugia; Luca Pieroni, Via della villa 8/c; Melcior Rossello Roig, University of Perugia; Luca Salmasi, Università Cattolica sede di Roma.

4. Migrant Integration in Small Municipalities. An Assessment of the System Protection for Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Italy.Carla Ventre, PhD student; Elena Ambrosetti, La Sapienza, University of Rome.

5. Accelerating the Demographic Transition to Maximize the Demographic Dividend in the Least Developed Countries in Sub-Saharan AfricaGuangyu Zhang, United Nations, Population Division; Karoline Schmid, United Nations.

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