Session 1003
The Gender Dimension in Nutrition, Environment and Food Security

Chair: Vani Sethi, UNICEF Regional Office of South Asia

1. Societal Gender Dynamics and Sex-Specific Differences in the Impact of Climatic Shocks on Childhood Undernutrition: The Case of Ivory CoastLiliana Andriano, University of Southampton; Chiara Puglisi, Department of Statistical Sciences - University of Bologna.

2. Environmental Determinants of Anaemia and Its Spatial Association with Mosquito-Borne Disease Vulnerability among Females and Males Aged 15-49 in Eastern and North-Eastern IndiaLobsang Bhutia, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS); Aparajita Chattopadhyay, International Institute for Population Sciences, India.

3. Household Food Insecurity and Middle-Aged Women’s Health and Psychosocial Wellbeing in Rural MozambiqueBoaventura Cau, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane; Victor Agadjanian, Department of Sociology and the International Institute University of California - Los Angeles; Sarah R. Hayford, Ohio State University; Carlos Arnaldo, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane; Ines Raimundo, Eduardo Mondlane University.

4. Can Maternal Cash Transfers Coupled with Nutrition Behaviour Change Reduce Food Insecurity during the Lean Season? Experimental Evidence from Rural MalawiAnissa Collishaw, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Daniel Maggio, Rutgers University; Aulo Gelli, International Food Policy Research Institute.

5. Assessing the Impact of Female Labor Force Participation on Child Dietary Diversity in India: A Causal Analysis from the National Family Health SurveySripriya Reddy Medipally, Jawaharlal Nehru University; Indrani Roy Chowdhury, Jawaharlal Nehru University.

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