Session 1001
Gender Dynamics and Demographic Shifts Over Time

Chair: Anju Malhotra, Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health

1. Gender Inequality in Mortality: Hypothesis and Age-Geographical StandardsTatiana Arteaga, CEDEPLAR / UFMG; Laura L. R. R. Wong, Cedeplar/Ufmg; Marília Nepomuceno, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR).

2. Changing Maternal ‘Busyness’ and Declines in Child Mortality in the Past and in the PresentAlaka Basu, Cornell University.

3. Living Arrangements by Gender and SocietyAlbert Esteve, Center for Demographic Studies (Barcelona); Rita Trias-Prats, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

4. The Decline of Female and Male Fertility in Mexico: Examining the Interplay of Gender Inequality, and EducationElder Lara-Castañeda, Other; Gabriela Mejia-Pailles, General Secretary of The National Population Council, Mexico.

5. Rising Female-Headed Households: Shifts in Living Arrangements or Heightened Gender Symmetry?Rita Trias-Prats, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Albert Esteve, Center for Demographic Studies (Barcelona).

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